Friday, December 7, 2012

Online Video Marketing Secrets

There are two senses that everyone in the world reacts to, no matter what. The two senses are sight and sound. If you can create a good sound and mix it with a decent visual medium, you will garner the attention of even the most jaded of person. Even people that claim they are not at all influenced by ads, still take time to watch and listen to the more intriguing of brand commercials, many of which even patronizing the business and brand afterwards. For those that are skeptical, think about the Super Bowl for a moment. The game is one great ratings draw, but those that are not interested in the game, are interested in one thing, and that's the commercials. The reason for this is because marketing agents that are in charge of creating the latest and greatest ads for the big game are the very same people that know that with proper visual and audio cues, anyone can be turned into a new customer. Now that you know the two senses you need to approach in marketing, consider the following online video marketing secrets that will help you hit the ground running.

The first tip that most people don't remember is simply hiring a professional. You need to get a professional studio to shoot, edit, and implement voiceovers and sounds to your videos. You will not only give the perception that you're company knows what they are doing; it will help you push forward with relative ease in any market that you're in. Even if you're dealing with heavy competition, you can generate more leads, promote better quality products, and gain a foothold in any market by simply producing great videos.

The second secret that you'll want to make sure you implement is marketing the video, not just your brand. You might be convinced that the videos you put up are the keys to marketing, but you need to also market the videos. This is not complicated, and doesn't require a full marketing budget to get moving forward. It requires you to place the videos in more than just one place, then make sure to tell your potential clients that they are there. All you need is one video to go viral to see your profits soar.

The last secret to marketing prowess with videos is to make sure that you're producing content on a regular basis. Do not simply make one video and let it sit on the Internet. Get other videos going and make them worth seeking out, and you'll see a major change in how much business you do on the regular.

Using Video Marketing to Draw In Traffic   Video Production: The History and Use of Viral Videos   Why Animation Is So Popular   Tips for Developing Quality Online Marketing Videos   The Power of Internet Video Marketing   5 Tips to Begin Your Web Video Production   

A Look at the Spread of Mobile Video in Coming Years

Mobile web video has seen a staggering rise in popularity over the past few years, with the result that projections now estimate that nearly 400 million wireless users will have access to mobile videos by 2016. However, with this rapid increase in demand, service providers are now being faced with the difficult challenge of finding cost effective ways of meeting this demand, while at the same time finding some means of turning a profit. Moreover, many providers are now struggling with the issue of messaging costs, as more and more consumers have begun to discover that they can get the same services for free through other carriers.

One factor that has begun to fuel this problem is services such as Blackberry Messenger and iMessage which now provide users with free text and multimedia messaging services. As a result, many consumers have now been conditioned to expect more services at a lower cost from their providers. Providers are now being further strained as these same expectations are becoming a problem with mobile video as well, as it takes on an ever more important role for users.

Already, service providers have begun to explore various solutions to the problems presented by the rising demand for mobile web video. One such solution being explored is the use of a multi-tiered video service. This would mean that all consumers would be provided with the most basic level of service for free. From that point, revenue could still then be produced through the placement of ads as well as by offering upgrades and advanced features both to businesses and more video heavy users.

Such a strategy has only recently become feasible through the application of certain technological advances which would allow for a cost effective means of supporting consumers' free use. For those providers without this means, analysts have begun to speculate that one viable way in which video messaging could be made profitable is if service providers tie video usage in to their service packages. This may not be to dramatic a process, as many carriers have already been forced to adapt their services to meet increases in data usage and messaging by offering new plans.

In contrast to merely a few years ago, text messaging has become a necessity among most consumers, and is now viewed as a vital piece of any good service plan. Such is the progress of mobile video as well, so that, in just a few years' time, video too will be an essential component. With ever more rapid advances being made in mobile technologies, such as the advent of the 4G network and its compatible devices, new doors are being opened daily for the progress of mobile video services.

In order to keep up with the rapid growth of mobile web video, one way or another, providers will be forced to find new ways of offering these services to their users, be it through the introduction of new, more sophisticated plans or cleverly designed multi-tier strategies. Video use is on the rise and those companies who fail to recognize and adapt to this shift in demand will fall by the wayside in coming years.

Using Video Marketing to Draw In Traffic   Video Production: The History and Use of Viral Videos   Why Animation Is So Popular   Tips for Developing Quality Online Marketing Videos   

Video Optimisation

Why Optimise Your Video?

You have a professionally produced video and this has been uploaded to all of the social media platforms, inc YouTube and is displayed on the front page of your website. Job done! Unfortunately not! Search Engines cannot read video, and if not optimised correctly search engines won't know exactly what the video is about and will not give any authority, as time has not been allocated to inform them.

Optimise Your Video

The first thing you need to do is give a title to your video. Unlike SEO the Video Optimisation market place is not nearly as competitive. Do some research to find out what search terms people are using on Google to find the products or services you are promoting. Use these terms in the video name, this will give you a good chance chance of being found higher up the rankings in that search. Next you need to let the search engines know what the video is about with a sitemap.

Video Going Viral

Good job so far your video can be found on all the major streaming sites and although Video Optimisation tends to be a lot faster and cost effective than SEO it still takes time. So how get it to go viral? Most products become successful not just because of clever advertising but because people talk about them, recommend them and show them to their friends. Spread the word, share tweet and promote your video in every marketing strategy you employ.

Share Your Video

Internet users search and watch videos through different hosting sites; these users also access these sites through various machines, devices and browsers, where compatibility issues may arise. The solution is to distribute your video to all video streaming websites, which is a tedious task, but once completed ensures the end user searching from their preferred channel, browser and device can find and watch your web video without encountering any problems.

Maintain the Motion

Great you have optimised your video and it's ranking well in the search engines. Your Google analytics tell you that you have had a great response and your video on YouTube has received many views and likes, then things slow down. Video Optimisation is an on-going process, ensure when you tweet, share, post or send emails a link to the video is embedded. A one stop solution for social media is Ping FM one update will update around 30 different social media sites.

Using Video Marketing to Draw In Traffic   Video Production: The History and Use of Viral Videos   Why Animation Is So Popular   Tips for Developing Quality Online Marketing Videos   The Power of Internet Video Marketing   5 Tips to Begin Your Web Video Production   

YouTube And You - College Credit For YouTube?

In a classroom at Pfizer College in Claremont, Calif, students sit watching Media Studies professor Alexandra Juhasz. Some of the students have their heads down, others are covertly eating or drinking, but most are paying close attention, their eyes leaving Juhaszs face only momentarily to glance at the camera that is recording the class session for later posting on YouTube.

This is the Internet age, and these students are enrolled in Learning From YouTube, a semester long class designed to explore what Prof. Juhasz describes as the role of corporate sponsored democratic media expression.

Students communicate with each other online, posting videos and comments, and encouraging YouTube users from around the world to post comments. Among the postings, in addition to excerpts from each class section, is a look at the class syllabus, accompanied by the theme song from Futurama, a student juggling roles of toilet paper, and several students explaining their take on one of their posting assignments What Is YouTube?

Students can also post their comments on classmates, other YouTube users videos, which means that the topics of discussion are virtually limitless in scope. In most of these response posts, the students express their opinions as to why the video posting site has grown so rapidly in popularity in just a few years.

"YouTube is," explains an unnamed student in his video class assignment, "is a place for people to express themselves. Some of these people would never have an audience, but with YouTube, they can share their views and get responses from people around the world." In a YouTube video entitled Pitzer College Public Press Release, Learning From YouTube Professor Juhasz is described as a YouTube skeptic and champion of democratic media, and Juhasz herself says that she was under whelmed by the site, but recognized its cultural relevancy and the impact that it is having on global communications in general.

Since its inception in 2005, YouTube has been the go-to site for users looking to view, and post, clips of music videos, television shows, news outtakes, confessionals, and, most notably, Presidential addresses and debates. The site has been awarded Best Invention of The Year, by Time magazine, and was the first website to receive an Entertainer of the Year award from Entertainment Weekly.

"YouTube", says student Darren Grose, who is responsible for filming many of the class sessions, "is a phenomenon that should be studied very closely."

Using Video Marketing to Draw In Traffic   Video Production: The History and Use of Viral Videos   Why Animation Is So Popular   Tips for Developing Quality Online Marketing Videos   The Power of Internet Video Marketing   5 Tips to Begin Your Web Video Production   

YouTube Marketing For Business Owners

If you have heard of YouTube you will know it is a free online video storage site which lets you view video content for free. More and more business owners are slowly discovering how YouTube marketing is going to benefit their business.

YouTube was founded in 2005 by Chad Hurley, Jawed Karim and Steve Chen who were ex PayPal employees. While at PayPal they saw the power in simplifying a process and giving everyone a solution.

Because YouTube has grown and grown since 2005, you should really be using this in your marketing strategy. In just three months YouTube went from having zero visitors to over four million.

Today the number of visitors continues to grow. Did you know that the average YouTube user will spend between 15 and 25 minutes a day on the site?

Google bought YouTube for $1.65 billion in 2006. You have the power of the world's biggest search engine teaming up with the biggest online video site. This gives the business owner considerable YouTube marketing leverage.

In February 2011 YouTube had 490 million unique visitors each month from around the world. They accounted can you believe for around 92 billion page views each month. These are incredible figures. It is estimated that people spend around 2.9 billion hours each month on YouTube.

YouTube grew bigger than sites such as Craigslist, eBay, MySpace and A diverse selection of content is streamed from YouTube including concerts, TV clips, movies etc.

In the bad old days however there was no way of sharing video content. The videos took ages to load and tended to be long. You needed some kind of special program to run the videos. This was never a pleasant experience for people and many turned off.

When YouTube came along it changed everything for the better. You could finally embed videos in other websites or watch the video in your chosen browser. Gone were the days of slow loading video and jerky footage. We could finally watch in style and a pleasurable experience for all was had.

What about the quality of YouTube video. The picture and sound quality is down to the creator of the video, but the general playback quality of the video on YouTube is very good. There is little lag and the video starts immediately. You can pause, fast forward or rewind the video.

How Does This Apply to Internet Marketing?

Video online is rapidly growing and seems to be getting bigger and bigger. It is time you were creating your own YouTube marketing strategy in order to promote your business or products. Think about how you can best use video in your business.

You can use YouTube advertising to spread your message and drive traffic back to your website. Have you thought of all the sales you could be getting with your YouTube marketing videos?

What about all the subscribers that could come your way from YouTube traffic. The more subscribers can mean more profit for your business. You need to start using online video today.

Internet marketing YouTube traffic will result when you create some videos of your product or service. Video marketing is not expensive and YouTube hosting is free. This is not the case with some other sites however and they could burn a pretty hole in your wallet. Not want you want at all when trying to keep costs down in these tricky economic times.

Are you starting to see why getting involved with YouTube marketing will actually be beneficial to your business?

Generally it is easier to rank a video than say a website or blog. The more people that look at your video on YouTube, the more visitors you will get back to your website. As more people view your video it will move further up the rankings also.

You will need some special YouTube marketing software to create your video content. Obviously you will need some kind of video camera. Yes you can use your smartphone or even one of the small Flip type cameras. However, for better quality a camcorder is always my preference.

If your video becomes popular then you can earn some revenue from this as part of the Google/YouTube revenue program.

Text sales pages into video content

Whenever I am faced with a long sales page I tend to scroll to the end of it pretty quickly. There is just too much to read and most of it is just not interesting enough. It would be much better to use one of the best kept YouTube marketing secrets and that is to convert the text sales page into a video sales page.

Moving content engages better with the viewer. Nobody likes to read so much text, but if you have a voice in the background or even a demonstration of the product you are promoting then you are giving out a great visual experience.

People are naturally visual people, having grown up with the cinema and television. We love to watch video content so do not be afraid to create videos.

Video testimonials

Have you ever received feedback in written form for any of your services? If so then go and dig these out because you can turn them into video testimonials. You show the text on screen and speak out loud the testimonial. This could be added of course to your video sales page.

Video articles

Do you publish articles or any kind of written content? Again this is a great candidate for YouTube marketing video content. Turn those dry text articles into video articles and get them loaded up onto YouTube.


Ever given a presentation to an audience? Well now is the time to take the video camera out and film your next one. You can load this footage onto YouTube of course as part of your YouTube advertising strategy, but why not package it up into a product also. You can sell this on your website or on a DVD.


You need to imagine how a YouTube marketing video strategy is going to benefit your business. Do you really want your competitors to get ahead? Try turning those dry text based sales pages or articles into online video content and watch your profits climb.

Using Video Marketing to Draw In Traffic   Video Production: The History and Use of Viral Videos   Why Animation Is So Popular   Tips for Developing Quality Online Marketing Videos   The Power of Internet Video Marketing   5 Tips to Begin Your Web Video Production   

YouTube for Marketing

Marketing has changed over the years. It is not always easy to promote business, especially in times of uncertainty. It is certainly worth looking at YouTube for marketing and taking advantage of the potential traffic from the world's premier video site.

Is using video content right for your business?

You may be hesitating and wondering if you should take the plunge and start using video. I would advise not to wait any longer. If you manage to create great videos you will find you start to get better traffic and more conversions.

YouTube offers you a massive audience for such a low cost. Years ago companies could only dream of this kind of exposure and YouTube for marketing was unheard of. Now with the power of video marketing you can make YouTube sales.

It is always nice to find you have gained a lot of viewers while you were sleeping. This is the beauty of YouTube as it is universally well known.

Keep in mind these strategies in your YouTube marketing:

Make use of the community

Millions of people worldwide use YouTube on a daily basis and take part in the online community if offers. You too could be a part of the community.

As part of your YouTube marketing strategy it is important to provide a content rich video to your viewers. It has to provide value and should keep their interest. The video should run for around two minutes as people may become bored if it is over long. Ensure that the picture and sound quality are both first class.

As your video become popular it will climb up the YouTube rankings and you will get even more viewers.

You are allowed to add comments to other people's videos and they can do the same to your own. You must turn on this option though to let people comment.

Try to leave a decent comment rather than saying 'nice video'. Give a comment of value as it will make others want to check out your videos. Show that you know something of the subject material.

You can also make friends with others on YouTube and they can friend you in turn. Once you do this you will find that you can watch each other's videos. As a result of doing this, both of you can get traffic back to your websites.

Create a viral effect by sending your video to others to watch. If they like it they may pass it onto their friends. The more people that see it the more traffic you will get coming to your website. This is quite a powerful strategy to use when making use of YouTube for marketing


When your video is out there for others to watch you may find they subscribe to your YouTube channel. If your channel picks up viewers you can expect some nice traffic flowing back to your website. Try sending other YouTube community members a message asking them to take a look at your channel.

Use personal email

Here's another nice tip when using YouTube for marketing needs. I am sure you have an address book of your business contacts. Send them an email with a link to your video. Better still; embed the video into the email itself. Tell your contacts to forward the message on if they liked it. Again this creates an incredible viral effect for your video.

Use social media

The nice thing about sites like Facebook and Twitter is that they encourage the sharing of content. YouTube has a button that is used for sharing video content on Facebook and Twitter.

Social media is very big now and something you should be using in your YouTube for marketing plan. You can obtain some nice traffic using this strategy.

For even more exposure and to gain traction in the Google search engine, go and bookmark your videos on the various bookmarking sites. For example:

• Reddit

• Stumble Upon

• Delicious

• Digg

Target your audience

If you want greater exposure and sales then you need to target your video content to specific audiences. If you are not doing this then you are creating a general video which will become lost in the millions of videos up on YouTube.

You will hit your sales faster if you target people who are interested in what you are offering. There is no point targeting people who are never going to buy from you.

Whenever I use YouTube for marketing I tend to target only specific groups of people I feel may be interested in my service.

When you target your audience it becomes easier to promote in the YouTube community. Also finding related blogs becomes a lot easier.

There are so many Facebook groups on offer that it is hard to know where to place your video. If you niche target you will make the job so much easier.

Promote on relevant blogs

By getting your video mentioned on relevant blogs you can drive a lot of traffic to your video. Here you can use YouTube for marketing a blog as well as video content. It can take some time to identify the relevant blogs you need, but there are ways to go about it. Locating relevant blogs is an extremely useful strategy when using YouTube for business purposes.

Once you identify the blogs then all you need to do is send out a press release via email to the blog owner that says what the video is about. Include a link to the video also or even better, send the YouTube embed code so that they can embed the video in the blog.

When the video is embedded in the blog you will get even more traffic and potential customers. Use this technique and identify as many blogs as you can to send out your video to.


Try to make sure you offer value and engage the viewer with your video content. Use YouTube for marketing and traffic generation and you will find you take your business to another level.

Using Video Marketing to Draw In Traffic   Video Production: The History and Use of Viral Videos   Why Animation Is So Popular   Tips for Developing Quality Online Marketing Videos   The Power of Internet Video Marketing   5 Tips to Begin Your Web Video Production   

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